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Net Installation „Tube“ in the Old Market Hall

The Old Market Hall offers a unique adventure! In the main hall throughout the summer you can see and experience a large-scale, site-specific installation called Tube by the Austrian-Croatian group Numen/For use. The monumental climbing net for both young and adult guests will be open to visitors from 22 June to 29 August 2021.

The interactive net installation consists of two tunnel routes with a length of 180 metres, which represents a 1,300 m² net with a total rope length of 9,000 metres. The object floats freely in the space, giving the crawling visitor the opportunity to perceive the space and the installation itself from unusual angles and perspectives.

The authors of the work are the international group Numen/For Use. The group of visual artists, designers, architects and scenographers, consisting of Sven Jonke, Christoph Katzler and Nikola Radeljković, is known for their large-scale interactive works, which have been successful all over the world – they have exhibited in Paris, Moscow, London, Seoul, Sao Paulo, Melbourne, Tokyo, neighbouring Vienna and other world capitals.

Nearly 200,000 visitors have visited the Tube installation worldwide. From 22 June to 29 August 2021, you can experience it for yourself at the Old Market Hall, every week from Tuesday to Friday between 12:00 and 21:00 and on Sundays from 10:00 to 19:00, except for the dates 21 and 22 July 2021. Subject to change.