Experience Bratislava with Barbora
The weather is changing and so are the experiences in Bratislava – enjoy many cultural and musical events as well as great gastronomy. Still too difficult to choose? Take advice from Barbora, who also loves this city.

Bratislava Becomes a Seaside Resort In the Summer

Cruising off the Beaten Path

For Tastes and Treasures of the Bratislava Region

Bratislava Lives at Night, too

Here You Will Make the Best Pictures in Bratislava

Bratislava Offers a Perfect Gourmet Experience

Sightsee Bratislava Less Traditionally

In Just a Few Steps You Can See the Best of Bratislava

Retrace Steps of the Kings in Bratislava

With Family to Bratislava? No One Will Be Bored

In Bratislava You Are Embraced by Art

Welcome to One of the Greenest Cities in the World

Make the Best of Your Weekend with Bratislava CARD

Bratislava Romance in Picturesque Streets or in the Clouds

Where to Get the Best Beer

Let’s experience Christmas atmosphere in Bratislava

Bratislava, Closer To the Sea Than You Might Think