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Shopping in the Old Market Hall has style. Come see for yourselves & meet the locals
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Tiles of Bratislava and the Art of Imitation

In Slovakia iconic Čierne diery are no longer only printing popular graphics, but published a bestselling…
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ÚĽUV Craftsmen Days

The Centre for Folk Art Production (ÚĽUV) brings traditions closer to people. Even to the centre…
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Slovak Philharmonic at the fountain

Works by Slovak and international composers will be played by the biggest Slovak fountain, popular film…
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Knights on Devín – Roman Legions and Hungarian-Ottoman Battles

The Society of Ancient Martial Arts and Crafts invites the noble nobility to Devín Castle to…
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Advent Cruise

Advent on a sightseeing boat during a cruise on the Danube river? Why not!


Procession of the Magi

A story that once took place in Jerusalem and its surroundings will take place in the streets and squares of the Old Town