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Parking for visitors to Bratislava is possible in the shopping centers, in paid parking zones, etc.

Bratislava Parking Assistant

If you arrive in Bratislava by car, you will find numerous underground and outdoor parking lots in the city center. In Bratislava, the city-wide regulated parking system operates in defined zones. The so-called Bratislava Parking Assistant is known under the abbreviation PAAS.

As a visitor, you pay for parking in Bratislava according to the hourly tariffs and controlled hours in individual zones. In regulated zones, non residents pay an hourly rate according to the tariff for the given zone and time. It is possible to pay through mobile applications, ticket machines, or at points of sale. Information about the given zone and payment options are published online as well as on information boards in the streets.

Paying for parking is easiest via one of the mobile applications involved in the project. Simply choose the app that suits you best.

Where to park

Parking for residents and non-residents is colour-coded on information signs in parking zones. A blue PAAS sign indicates residential parking. The code PE 1 designates parking spaces for holders of resident cards for the Petržalka 1 zone.

A green PAAS sign indicates non-resident parking. A numerical code marks the given zone and is used for zone identification when paying. By scanning the QR code, you will be able to use a mobile application to pay for parking according to the hourly rate.

Gondova Parking

🅿️Parking lot in the city center, right by the Danube.
▶️Parking fee: work days 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. 1 Eur/ 30 min., weekends and 6 p.m. – 8 a.m. 0,5 Eur/ 30 min.

More information


Tyršovo embankment:

🅿️ The rules for parking on Tyršovo embarkment enable the vistors comfortable spots for culture, sports or a walk:
▶️ Tyršák 1: 03:00 a.m. – 11:59 p.m. free parking, 00:00 – 03:00 a.m. closed.
▶️ Tyršák 2: 24/7, 07:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. – 3 hours for free, afterwards every started hour 1,5 €/ hr. including weekends & state holiday. 10p.m. – 07:00 a.m. freee parking.

Photo: BSK

Garage Krížna

🅿️Underground garage in the wider city center on Námestí Martina Benka, open 24 hours a day.
▶️The parking fee is €2/hour. Parking with a disabled card max. 2 hours/day free of charge.
▶️Parking fee can be paid in cash or by credit card.
▶️You can easily get to the city center from the garage by bus no. 47, or trams no. 3 and 4.
▶️It is also possible to park in the garage long-term, less than a month – by agreement, a month or more – €120/month.
▶️Contact: +421 2 22 11 11 52,

P+R facilities

The objective of building park-and-ride facilities is primarily to reduce the volume of individual vehicle traffic headed for the city centre and residential zones and to enable visitors to park their cars outside of Bratislava directly adjacent to train stations in the towns and municipalities of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the Trnava Self-Government Region, or on the outskirts of the city, and then transfer to the city’s public transport system.

Within the Bratislava Self-Governing Region, several park-and-ride facilities are established, for example at the railway station e.g. in Malacky, Senec, Pezinok or Svätý Jur. For even better accessibility, several parking lots are located directly on the territory of Bratislava and visitors can change to public transport after parking.

Parking Lots for Tourist Buses

Download our brochure in pdf.:

🅿️Central Bus Station Nivy, Bratislava, capacity 10 buses. Short-term parking: To order parking, use e-mail address 6 am – 6 pm (€5 /hour), 6 pm – 6 am (€4 /hour) (payment for each hour started).

🅿️Parking lot at Passenger Port (Osobný prístav), Fajnorovo nábrežie 2
Mainly for cruise passengers, capacity – 10 buses.

• Parking lot Litovská ulica (Street), Slávičie údolie, capacity – 9 buses, open nonstop, max. standing time 3 hours. Accessibility from the center: along the Danube embankment through Mlynská dolina or along Pražská and Brnenská Street through Patrónka and Mlynská dolina.

Bus pick-up & drop-off points
Standing for a maximum of 10 mins is permitted at these stops:
⏲️Mudroňova ulica – Bratislavský hrad (Bratislava Castle)
⏲️Rázusovo nábrežie – Bus stop Most SNP – permit needed
⏲️Hurbanovo námestie – local transport stop
⏲️Nábrežie arm. gen. L. Svobodu – near the Botel Pressburg and River Park complex
⏲️Na Slavíne – Slavín Memorial
⏲️Malá Scéna – in front of Malá Scéna Theatre
⏲️Olejkárska (Street) – near Slovak National Theatre