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(Un)Real breakfast with podcasts

*Want to Learn How to Use Podcasts to Build Your Brand and Strengthen Customer Communication?

  • Participants will dive deep into the world of corporate podcasts, content creation, and social media.

Naďa Kacera and Anka Sabolová will reveal the secrets behind their podcast Marketing v praxi and how to leverage it for business success. Expect practical tips, real experiences, and tailored inspiration.
Zuzka Vačková
Actress, YouTuber, TikTok queen, and a passionate creative mind will show you how to captivate audiences with engaging content on social media and podcasts. Her energy is contagious!

In addition to the talks, there will be a breakfast menu.

More info at:

Partner of the event: Vinum Nobile Winery,GoOut

Information about this event was provided by the portal
