Slovakia Cantat
XVII. International Choir Festival. During this festival, Bratislava will welcome choirs from Belgium, Slovenia, Macedonia, Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Choirs and orchestras will perform and compete in the Primate’s Palace, the Clare Concert Hall and the Jesuit Church.
International festival for choirs and orchestras Slovakia Cantat whose mission is to restore the tradition of gathering choirs and orchestras in Bratislava. Concert and competition sites: Jesuit Church and Klarisky Music Hall.
Thursday 24. 4. 2025 19:00 Opening concert of the festival
Jesuit Church, Franciscan Square
Children’s Choir of the Ogólnokształcącej Szkoły Muzycznej im. Karola Lipińskiego /PL/, Wattana Girls’ Chorus /TH/, Youth Choir Mavrica /SL/, Academic Choir of the Veterinary Faculty Phrenicus /SL/, Choir of the Women’s General Gymnasium of the Sisters of Mercy /HR/, Sunnmøre Festivalkor /NO/, Chamber Choir Orfej Ljutomer /SL/, Mixed Choir of the Archbishop’s Classical Gymnasium with Public Access /HR/Ars Voce /CZ/, Con Fuoco /PL/
Friday 25. 4. 2025 Choir Competition
Zrkadlová Hall of Mirrors of the Primate’s Palace, Primate’s Square
Category A4: Children’s Choirs up to 16
09:00 Choir of the General School of Music of the Karola Lipińskiego /PL/
09:20 Wattana Girls’ Chorus /TH/
Category H2: Sacred music with an instrument. accompanying
09:40 Choir dziecięcy Ogólnoksztálącej Szkoły Muzycznej im. Karola Lipińskiego /PL/
Category F1: Folk song a cappella Category
10:00 Wattana Girls’ Chorus /TH/
10:15 Academic Choir of the Veterinary Faculty Phrenicus /SL/
Category D3: Mixed adult choirs
10:30 Orfej Ljutomer Chamber Choir /SL/
10:48 Con Fuoco /PL/
11:06 Academic Choir of the Veterinary Faculty Phrenicus /SL/
Category H1: Sacred music a cappella
11:24 Orfej Ljutomer Chamber Choir /SL/
11:42 Con Fuoco /PL/
12:00 Academic Choir of the Veterinary Faculty Phrenicus /SL/
Category C1: Youth choirs up to 21 years old (SA)
15:00 Ženške opće gimnazije Družbe sestara milosrdnica /HR/
15:18 Ars voce /CZ/
Category C2: Youth choirs up to 21 years old (SATB)
15:36 Mixed choir of the Archdiocese Classical Gymnasium with public access /HR/
Category J: Contemporary choral music
15:54 Youth choir Mavrica /SL/
Category R: Senior choirs
16:10 Sunnmøre Festivalkor /NO/
Category A4: Children’s choirs up to 16 years old
16:30 Bratislava Children’s Choir /SK/
Category K: Spiritual, Gospel, Pop, Jazz
18:00 The Chamber Choir /SK/
Category D3: Mixed adult choirs
18:20 Choirchestra /CZ/
Category E2: Chamber choirs 9 – 24 singers
18:40 Kassiopea /CZ/
Saturday 26. 4. 2025 Festival Concerts
Klarisky Concert Hall, Farská 4
13.00 Mavrica Youth Choir /SL/, Karol Lipiński Secondary School of Music Choir /PL/, Bratislava Children’s Choir /SK/, Wattana Girls’ Chorus /TH/
14.15 Druzbe sestara milosrdnica Women’s High School /HR/, Ars voce /CZ/, Ars voce /CZ/ Mixed Choir of the Archdiocese Classical High School with Public Access /HR/, The Chamber Choir /SK/, Kassiopea /CZ/
16.00 Academic Choir of the Veterinary Faculty Phrenicus /SL/, Con Fuoco /PL/, Orfej Ljutomer Chamber Choir /SL/, Sunnmøre Festivalkor /NO/, Choirchestra /CZ/
19.00 Festival Concert and Announcement of Competition Results
Jesuit Church, Františkánske nám.
Free admission.
Program subject to change.
Festival co-organizers: Bratislava – Capital of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava Cultural and Information Center, Union of Choirs of Slovakia, Apollo Choir