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Hlt kože

In the gallery, the set up environment slumbers and waits for you to bring it to life. It hungers for human presence. It will become fulfilled when you expose your body to its effects and pour your content into it.

If you let it, it enters through your skin, your mucosa, your cornea, your inner ear. It will be touching you intimately until it swallows you completely. Inside, you will encounter matter, smooth and skeletal, ripening and oozing. You’ll experience thickening fibres and shivering tissues, you’ll deal with pliable bones and unyielding gravitation. In viscera, there is nothing you can do but rely on your senses. Blind to meanings, they bypass the mind and return you to the folds of your own body. You will wake to the inside. You will remember that you are matter like any other, bound to the same cycles like the rest of the living and dying world. Afterall, your existence is neither your merit, nor your fault. Wash your feet, you will need to take off your shoes.