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Instead of

The collective exhibition “Instead of” takes place in an abandoned house at 4 Ventúrska Street. The exhibition presents the work of over 60 artists and art collectives of different generations and nationalities, from students to established personalities. The exhibition will be open until 13 September, you can visit it every Thursday to Sunday from 14:00 to 19:00.

Instead of…whose place? The place of what? Instead of something? Who knows, probably all kinds of different. That’s what the exhibition will be like, instead of someone’s nothing, there will be different artistic something. Visual matter will swell into all the crevices of our place, from which practical purpose has long since been withdrawn. We will apply another layer to the temporal patina of the building. We’ll add a new “furnishing” to the ever-present dramatic struggle of mold and plaster.

The individual rooms will then be filled with fantastical imaginings, the absent bodies of beings that were never there. The memory of place highlighted as memory carried and mediated by surface and materiality. A new nature that presses in through the already firmly wedged windows. But also images and paintings will be added in places where they may have been different before. In this way, our exhibition joins for a moment the ongoing processes inside the abandoned building.

A number of side events will be announced on social media in due course throughout the duration of the exhibition.

The first side event of the collective takes place on Tuesday, September 3: Rachel Rimarčíková – Barber Glitter Shit Shop (theatrical performance)

American barber shop of the first half of the last century. Women dressed in dressing gowns, champagne in hand, in comfortable heels, yet on stilettos. In the background Nicki Minaj and the story of a woman being thrown out of barbershops. The performance juxtaposes the malegaze of the last century with the contemporary malegaze we have adopted as women. Women’s attitudes towards feminism and their rebirth to change thanks to a goblin who disrupts the dreaminess of our nightmare. Once you’re a chair, once you’re a customer and once you’re a hairdresser.

Please note that entry is at your own risk.


Karola Ainsar, Roberta Andrášková, Nikola Balberčáková & Jakub Pohlódek, Tomáš Bede, Jaroslav Beliš, János Biro, Anna Czár, Mari Holecz, Laura Laviv, Dániel Lebeda, Péter Zoltán Öllinger, Gergely Suplicz, Mário Coufal, Tereza Darášová, Matej Gavula, Katarína Gertli, Michal Golák, Lilla Gombos, Saro Gottstein & Samuel Gregor Dzurek, Cynthia Gregorová & Zuzana Rákociová, Iveta Haasová, Gabriela Halás, holo– collective (Michaela Cagáňová & Kamila Valešová), Gréta Fedora Homzová & Ema Cintulová, Ján Hrčka, Alica Hujdičová, Barbora Jurčová, Lukáš Karaba, Agáta Kertész, Timotej Kosmel, Jakub Kotlár, Júlia Kusztos, Monika Machútová & Sara Čurková, Alica Maletičová, Dorota Malichová, Tereza Mazúrová, Martin Mikláš, Celestína Minichová, Michala Obšitošová, KitKit Para, Martin Piaček, Imrich Pisarovič, Lída Pohlová, Paulína Pokryvková, Kasha Potrohosh, Artur Procházka, František Radačovský, Marco Rapant, Samuel Raýman, Adriana R, Oksana Sadovenko, Kimi Salamonová, Paul Seipel, Rudolf Sikora, Saralinn Hembre Singstad, Viliam Slaminka, Dana Tomečková, Martin Viskup, Elisa Margot Winters, Michal Zoller