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Advent Concert

With the Advent Concert we open musically the Advent season, in which we all feel the desire for silence before the most beautiful holidays in the year. Moreover, the musical market is meanwhile supersaturated with Christmas Concerts of all kinds of genres. The spirituality, which should be the main content of the Advent season, is almost gone. However, we still have the ambition to bring musical art on the highest level, only we would like to offer also space to spirituality, not only with oratorical arias, but also enrich the programme by spoken word with spiritual content.

Slávka Zámečníková is our rising soprano star, who is already successfully gaining acceptance on the prestigious world scenes. She will be accompanied by the Choir Lúčnica and by the Slovak Chamber Orchestra. These musical bodies will also perform solo pieces. The reciter Štefan Bučko will read chosen texts from the Bible or from poems by Milan Rúfus and suchlike literature.

Slávka Zámečníková, soprano
Štefan Bučko, reciter
Choir Lúčnica
Elena Matušová, artistic leader and choirmaster
Slovak Chamber Orchestra
Walter Attanasi, conductor

Concert venue: Slovak Philharmonic, Bratislava 
Date and time:
 1st December 2019 at 5 pm

