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Enjoy the romantic and unforgettable cruise under the bridges of Bratislava. The tasteful evening accompanied by tones of the live music. Let’s kiss on the waves of the river Danube.
Hviezdoslav in English. Hviezdoslav about war. Sonnets calling for peace. Our past. Our future. What do we want to live now?
How about a date in the Slovak Guggenheim? Take your Valentine or Valentine to art, with the 1+1 ticket you also get a drink for both!
Enjoy the romantic and unforgettable cruise under the bridges of Bratislava. The tasteful evening accompanied by tones of the live music. Let’s kiss on the waves of the river Danube.
Enjoy the romantic and unforgettable cruise under the bridges of Bratislava. The tasteful evening accompanied by tones of the live music. Let’s kiss on the waves of the river Danube.
Welcome to new roaring 20s! New era of twenties at least for this one night, but this time luckily without prohibition.
Enjoy the romantic and unforgettable cruise under the bridges of Bratislava. The tasteful evening accompanied by tones of the live music. Let’s kiss on the waves of the river Danube.
The real Carnival entertainment in the centre of Bratislava will surely get your blood flowing. Whether young due to age or spirit, welcomed are all those who like traditional Slovak dances in a new way.