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In the footsteps of coronations: Route 2 in Ukrainian

Come to discover Bratislava’s nooks related to the coronation of Maria Theresa

On the occasion of the Bratislava Coronation Days, Bratislava Tourist Board organizes free thematic tours dedicated to the city’s famous coronation history.


During this tour provided in Ukrainian, you will learn why Bratislava became the coronation city of Hungarian kings and queens, where coronations were held, how many kings and queens were crowned in St. Martin’s Cathedral, but also how the coronation itself looked like.

In addition, you will find out why Maria Theresa’s husband could not attend the main part of the coronation in the cathedral, how many bronze crowns are in the Old Town or where the coronation hill was located.


Just come to St. Martin’s Cathedral on Rudnay Square on Friday, July 29, at 5 p.m., from where you will go on a journey to discover the past. Do not hesitate to register for a free tour, which takes approximately one and a half to two hours.

The route of the tour leads from Bratislava Castle through the baroque castle garden and the St. Nicholas Gate along Beblavého Street, around the Holocaust Memorial to the St. Martin Cathedral, then to Chapter Street and Provostal Street, from there to Ventúrska and Michal’s streets to White Street, along the forefront of the Franciscan Church to the Main Square and from there through Hviezdoslav Square to Ľudovít Štúr Square, where the coronation hill was located.

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