In the 18th century, it was very fashionable to furnish rooms in castles, the walls of which were covered with regularly arranged pictures. These rooms were called graphic cabinets. Check out our Bratislava one!
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In the 18th century, it was very fashionable to furnish rooms in castles, the walls of which were covered with regularly arranged pictures. These rooms were called graphic cabinets. Check out our Bratislava one!
Make yourself comfortable and choose from over 11 000 books that you can browse in a pleasant environment designed for studying, relaxation and cultural and social events
Discover the most precious sacred paintings and sculptures from the Gothic and Baroque eras in the Slovak National Gallery’s collections, complemented with icons and paintings from European art of the 16th to the 19th century
The Modern tells the story of visual art in Slovakia in the first half of the 20th century
In the past, the Danubeland was inhabited by many peoples and ethnicities, which over the past 1500 years have left their mark on the land
Contemporary art museum presents male and female artists, the latest trends, and current cultural, social, and artistic expressions that are constantly evolving