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Fruits of Discord. Portraying the Ottoman Presence.

Through an example of rich cultural exchange, the exhibition in the Slovak National Gallery presents the…
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Matúš Maťátko: Maťátkova knižnica

Matúš Matátko and book illustration belong inseparably together. Like salt to the sea, wind to the…
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Medieval Craft Market at the Bratislava Castle

Experience the atmosphere of the 14th century in the courtyard of the Bratislava Castle! A potter,…
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ÚĽUV Craftsmen Days

The Centre for Folk Art Production (ÚĽUV) brings traditions closer to people. Even to the centre…
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On Friday 28 March, VUNU will open its new premises in Bratislava with the collective exhibition Bold Red Line, which presents contemporary…


The origins of viticulture in Bratislava and its viticultural tradition What were the beginnings of viticulture in the territory of today’s Bratislava?…

Hana Gregorova: A Woman of Many Faces Feminist, writer, intellectual, wife, cultural organizer, mother, Czechoslovakian, journalist, functionary… Come and get to know…


Coronation DaysTop
Bratislava Coronation Days

Witness the coronations as they looked like during the most famous part of the history of the city. Another king will begin his reign in Pressburg.


White Night

The longest night of the year is White Night. It lasts from Friday to Sunday. The streets of Bratislava will once again be filled with art, visitors and a unique atmosphere. The largest and most visited contemporary art festival in Slovakia, White Night brings contemporary art forms closer to the general public and at the same time reveals unconventional, unknown and significant places in the city.

More tips

The Crown Tower
The Crown Tower in Bratislava Castle holds significant historical value. Built in the 13th century, it is considered the oldest remaining structure…

The Graphic Cabinets

In the 18th century, it was very fashionable to furnish rooms in castles, the walls of which were covered with regularly arranged pictures. These rooms were called graphic cabinets. Check out our Bratislava one!

Celts from Bratislava

More than 2000 years ago there was a Celtic city, so-called oppidum, on the place of present day Bratislava. It used to be three times bigger than later medieval town

Conceptual Antimuseum of J.K.

Its main part was made up by antipictures, in which Koller was coming into terms with the conceptual art and the climate of the times

In the Footsteps of Legionnaires

In the past, the Danubeland was inhabited by many peoples and ethnicities, which over the past 1500 years have left their mark on the land

Rebels of 89

Discover fascinating documents, photographs, and personal testimonies that take you back in time to the 1980s. A time when Slovaks and Czechs stood up against the totalitarian regime.

Fruits of Discord. Portraying the Ottoman Presence.

Through an example of rich cultural exchange, the exhibition in the Slovak National Gallery presents the interesting yet dramatic story of Hungarian-Ottoman relations during the 16th and 17th centuries. It introduces the period of Ottoman expansion in Hungary and the related mutual influences, especially overlaps of Ottoman material culture into Central European art.

The exhibition of Petr Cvik in Steinhauser Gallery represents the second solo exhibition of the painter under the patronage of Steinhauser Gallery…


Matúš Matátko and book illustration belong inseparably together. Like salt to the sea, wind to the mountains, oily black earth to the fertile field. The mother is an element… Rough lines, often the colours of tricolour, an expressive shortcut to harsh pointe. His handwriting has inspired linocut, comics and street art.