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Früchte der Feindseligkeit. Das Bild der osmanischen Präsenz.

Die Ausstellung der Slowakischen Nationalgalerie zeigt anhand von Beispielen des reichen kulturellen Austauschs eine interessante und…
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Matúš Maťátko: Maťátkova knižnica

Matúš Matátko and book illustration belong inseparably together. Like salt to the sea, wind to the…
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Fashion Ballet/The best of

Dieser außergewöhnliche Abend bietet Ihnen das Beste des modernen Balletts in Kombination mit innovativem Design und…
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Mittelalterliche Handwerksmärkte auf der Burg von Bratislava

Probieren Sie die mittelalterliche Küche und erleben Sie ihr Handwerk im Burghof! Erleben Sie die Atmosphäre…
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Die ÚĽUV-Meistertage

Das Zentrum für Volkskunstproduktion (ÚĽUV) bringt den Menschen Traditionen näher. Sogar bis ins Zentrum der Hauptstadt,…
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For all those who want to improve their fitness, learn self-defence and become part of a friendly community – traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

Musik und Konzerte
The concert The Best of Ennio Morricone performed by the Ister String Quartet. Programme: Ennio Morricone Once upon Time in the West…


The drama club for children aged 12 to 16 teaches the basics of acting, stage movement, working with artistic text, creating a…

The drama club for children aged 7 to 11 years teaches the basics of acting, stage movement, working with artistic text, creating…

For all those who want to improve their fitness, learn self-defence and become part of a friendly community – traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu…

Community flea, handmade and vintage market Saturday community flea, handmade and vintage market, which takes place in the historic building of Pistori…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…

Musik und Konzerte
German psychobilly band Mad Sin returns to Bratislava and this time they will conquer the Pink Whale ship’s hold.

The drama club for children aged 12 to 16 teaches the basics of acting, stage movement, working with artistic text, creating a…

The drama club for children aged 7 to 11 years teaches the basics of acting, stage movement, working with artistic text, creating…

For all those who want to improve their fitness, learn self-defence and become part of a friendly community – traditional Okinawan Goju-Ryu…

The food market in the Old Market Hall offers seasonal groceries grown & produced by farmers and manufacturers from Bratislava and its…