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The main function of the water management structures, facilities, watercourses and canals (hereinafter “water management facilities”), including land along the bank, is to protect the area against floods as well as to fulfill other water management functions which must not be prevented or restricted by the secondary purpose of the above– to serve for sport and recreation.

  1. Entering accessible parts of the water management facilities and the riverbank is at the sole risk of all cyclists and pedestrians (hereinafter referred to as “visitors”). The manager of the water management facilities is not responsible for the damage to the visitors’ property or health.
  1. The manager of the water management facilities performs regular and irregular in-house maintenance of the water management facilities or subcontracts the activities to third parties under Act no. 364/2004 Coll. on Water, as amended. Visitors are obliged to respect the instructions of employees of SVP, š.p., OZ Bratislava when being in the area and to ensure their own safety as well as the safety of other visitors.
  1. When moving, cyclists and pedestrians shall follow the rule of the right hand. Skaters, skateboarders as well as people using other similar sports equipment are considered pedestrians.
  1. It is prohibited to damage objects and equipment belonging to water management facilities, including protective grassland (no fire).
  1. Handling of technological equipment on water management objects is prohibited.
  1. It is prohibited to carry out activities that could cause pollution of surface and groundwater.
  1. Waste should be put in trash bins! Please, keep water and ground free from waste. Observing probes and shafts monitor the water work. Damaging, stealing or putting waste into the aforementioned is punishable by law!
  1. Visitors are obliged to respect and prioritize the movement of machines of SVP, š.p. and VV, š.p. around the water management facilities and river banks.
  1. The violation of the regulations regarding the water management facilities as well as environmental regulations will be punished by a fee according to the valid legislation!

Ride safely and be considerate toward others!