Accessible Tourism in Bratislava

1. Múzeum dopravy / Transport Museum – Partly accessible, Entrance is accessible, the ramp could be too steep, so additional help might be needed. Exhibition halls and doors are wide and accessible. The Museum does not have wheelchair-accessible toilets.
2. Stará radnica / Old Town Hall – Partly accessible, Old Town Hall is accessible to view and pass through from the outside. Exhibition halls at the Museum of City History are not fully accessible, but the Museum provides wheelchair-accessible toilets and there is a free entry for disability card holders.
3. Apponyiho palác / Appony’s palace – Not accessible, the Museum is not accessible for wheelchair users and it does not provide wheelchair-accessible toilets.
4. Primaciálny palác / Primate’s Palace – Fully accessible, Primate’s Palace provides a ramp on entrance and a lift to access higher floors. Additional help from security might be needed. Wheelchair-accessible toilets are present.
5. Galéria Nedbalka / Nedbalka gallery – Fully accessible, Entrance and exhibition halls are fully accessible. The Gallery provides a lift to access higher floors and wheelchair-accessible toilets are also present. There are signs for wheelchair users that help to navigate the place. Free entry for disability card holders.
6. Michalská veža / Michael’s Tower – Partly accessible, It is possible to view the Tower from outside and pass through it, but it is not possible for wheelchair users to go inside the Tower to the observation deck.
7. Múzeum farmácie / Museum of Pharmacy – Not accessible, Entrance is not accessible, the Museum does not provide a ramp for wheelchair users.
8. Galéria mesta Bratislavy / Bratislava City Gallery / Mirbach Palace Partly accessible, Only ground floor is accessible for wheelchair users, although the ramp may be too steep and the entrance does not have a handrail, therefore additional assistance may be required. The Gallery does not provide a lift or wheelchair-accessible toilets.
9. Galéria mesta Bratislavy / Bratislava City Gallery / Pálffy Palace – Not accessible, The Gallery does not provide a ramp, lift or wheelchair-accessible toilets.
10. Dóm sv. Martina / St. Martin´s Cathedral – Partly accessible, The Cathedral is accessible to view from the outside, but the entrance in the building is partly accessible for wheelchair users – there are steps on the entry and the door is too narrow, however there is a mobile ramp and a wheelchair user can enter with assistance.
11. Múzeum hodín / Museum of Clocks – Not accessible, The museum does not provide a ramp on the entrance, the exhibition halls are accessible only by stairs, a lift is not present.
12. Múzeum židovskej kultúry / Museum of Jewish Culture – Partly accessible, The entrance is wide and accessible for wheelchair users, the Museum provides a lift in order to access higher floors. Toilets are not wheelchair-accessible.
13. Historické múzeum / Museum of History (Bratislavský hrad / Bratislava Castle) – Fully accessible, The Museum provides a ramp on the entrance, but it might be necessary to ask for additional help from security. A lift and a wheelchair-accessible toilet is also present in the Museum. At the ticket desk there is a separate entrance for wheelchair users that can be opened on request. Free entry for disability card holders.
14. Archeologické múzeum / Archaeological Museum – Partly accessble, – The Museum provides a ramp, but, because of the complex architecture, it is not possible to access all of the exhibition halls. Additional help from staff is needed. Wheelchair-accessible toilets are present. Free entry for disability card holders.
15. Múzeum kultúry karpatských Nemcov / Museum of Carpathian German Culture – Partly accessible, It is possible to access the ground floor and the second floor with a lift, but additional help might be needed from the staff. The museum provides wheelchair-accessible toilets. Free entry for disability card holders.
16. Múzeum kultúry Maďarov na Slovensku / Museum of Hungarian Culture in Slovakia – Partly accessible, Only ground floor is accessible for wheelchair users, the Museum does not provide a lift. Wheelchair-accessible toilets are present. Free entry for disability card holders.
17. Vyhliadková veža UFO / UFO Observation deck – Partly accessible, Special entrance is provided for wheelchair users, additional help might be needed from staff. There is a lift to access the restaurant on the top, but the observation deck is not wheelchair-accessible. Toilets for wheelchair users are not present. Free entry for disability card holders.
18. Slovenská národná galéria / Slovak National Gallery – Partly accessible, The Gallery provides a ramp for the entrace and a lift for convenient transfer between the floors, exhibition halls are fully accessible. Wheelchair-accessible toilets are not present. Free entry for all visitors.
19. Prírodovedné múzeum / Natural History Museum – Partly accessible, There is a separate entrance for wheelchair users, it is needed to call the Museum before visiting. The Museum provides a lift for transfer between the floors. There are no wheelchair-accessible toilets present.

20. ZOO Bratislava – Partly accessible, The ZOO is accessible for wheelchair users, but the toilets for disabled people are not present. Free entry for disability card holders.

21. Danubiana Meulensteen Art Museum – Fully accessible, The entrance and exhibition halls are fully accessible, the Museum also provides a lift and toilets for wheelchair users. Free entry for disability card holders.
These maps were created by the volunteers Viviána Vilcane and Elena Sammouti in the Bratislava Volunteer Center as part of the Tourist Angels project within the European Solidarity Corps programme. The project was supported by the EU programme European Solidarity Corps